Be daring. Don’t be afraid to fail
22 May 2014
22 May 2014

If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, if all men count with you, but none too much; if you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds’ worth of distance run – yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it, and – which is more – you’ll be a man my son!

  • Every human is special
  • Yeah this is a list
  • At least it should be

Nunc urna eros, interdum id rhoncus tristique, euismod et enim. Duis eget arcu scelerisque, fringilla nulla eget, mollis eros. Aliquam pellentesque lacus vel porta cursus. Vivamus sollicitudin vel velit nec egestas. Fusce porta massa sed mollis vestibulum. Ut tincidunt posuere dictum. Donec non augue ornare, tincidunt velit id, tincidunt diam. Proin auctor enim a metus gravida porta. Donec sed enim a lacus convallis fringilla ac id ipsum. Etiam id nunc dignissim, sagittis lacus ut, condimentum diam. Vivamus ac diam suscipit, faucibus mi vitae, tincidunt est. Praesent erat eros, lacinia vitae adipiscing eu, euismod quis dolor. Maecenas sed dolor vel arcu pulvinar molestie at at tortor. Mauris placerat ultricies tincidunt.



Behind every man is a successful woman.Albert Camus


What can you win?

Among the first readers who tweet us with the hidden hashtag, we’ll raffle a quite extraordinary, smashing prize (and a couple of other Smashing extras):

  1. a roundtrip flight to New York, USA
  2. full accommodation in a fancy hotel
  3. a ticket to the Smashing Conference New York 2014
  4. any Smashing workshop ticket of your choice
  5. a signed edition of the Smashing Book #4

I picked up one of the Livescribe pen/notebook combinations for my first conference. It’s great as it records audio as you take notes and creates a file with the audio and what you wrote on the paper. Not only do you get the audio of the presentation but the Livescribe software will translate your written notes to electronic text. It even does a good job with my messy writing. This allowed me to dump all the presentations easily into the company documentation system to share. This system worked so well at the conference I began using it in most meetings.

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